There is a new article about Emma Watson (Hermione) from Mail Online titled "I find being sexy embarrassing, reveals Emma Watson". In the article she says something great (or at least I thinks its great): "I'm not tempted by parties or drugs. I don't actually like being drunk." Hurray! Finally a good role model comes out of Hollywood! The article also includes several pictures which you can see by going to the article here.
January 31, 2009
New Emma Article
Reported by Elliott at 6:36 PM
January 29, 2009
Dan and Rupert's OTHER Movies/Plays/Theatrical Performances
News is slow, so here are some high res pics from Cherrybomb (with Rupert Grint) which premiers next week at the Berlin film festival which you can find by clicking here... no, here.
Reported by Divya at 6:04 PM
(Not) Harry Potter Takes a Big Spill!
According to a new article from the The Mirror a stunt double for Dan was hurt on the set doing an stunt. He fell and said "I can't feel my legs!". And inside source said "The stunt double was badly hurt. He was rehearsing a flying scene which involved an explosion and it seems to have gone badly wrong. The guy was rigged up to a harness for the scene and was flying through the air.It is thought he may have been caught by the explosion and hit the ground very hard." He is now in Watford General Hospital.
UPDATE: His name is David Holmes.
UPDATE: His family released this statement "We would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. We are trusting in the expertise of the medical staff who are caring for David and would ask the media to please respect the privacy of our family while we concentrate on helping each other through this difficult time."
Reported by Elliott at 11:29 AM
January 28, 2009
Jordan's Midnight Sun Opinion
So, some of you Harry Potter fans might be wondering what the deal is with Midnight Sun. Here we have (here) the first chapter of the book, straight from the lips (or fingers) of Stephenie Meyer.
Basically, some weasel leaked the story so Stephenie Meyer felt betrayed and stopped writing the book. Now we Twilight fans have to wait for Midnight Sun. How long will the wait be. Nobody knows.
Well I just have one thing to say to the leaker:
Your actions have denied me my much anticipated Midnight Sun starring my favorite man EVER, Edward Cullen. Thank you, thank you very much, may James eat you in your sleep.
Reported by Jor at 7:03 PM
The Curse of Harry Potter
A recent article in states that several crew members for Harry Potter are convinced the movies are cursed, after several tragedies throughout the filmings of the movies.
Reported by Divya at 6:37 PM
Cool Potter-Obsession Games
Hey all you fans! I found (he, he) some cool game fr you all to play!! they are pretty obsessive and I never really learned what to do when I post stuff, but here they are: Some Supper Cool Potter Obsessive Games!!!!!!!
Reported by Carmen Montoya at 8:42 AM
Malachy Speaks!
Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter films and Malachy in Cherrybomb) has given an interview about Cherrybomb. This interview from Ice Cream Man was released today!
Reported by Divya at 6:36 AM
January 27, 2009
Harry's Birthplace is on the Market!
There is a new article on reporting that the cafe where J.K.R. wrote the first Harry Potter books is for sale by its current owner Eddie Ng. The space is now a Buffet King. Eddie Ng wants the buyer to turn the space into a literary museum. Mr. Ng said "I saw an article about a house where Bruce Lee lived in Hong Kong that was donated to the local council to turn into a museum. That sparked an idea to turn this place into a museum. We were thinking of selling to J.K. Rowling first because we think something should be done to mark the fact she wrote the book here" He has offered the space to Jo for £1,000,000 ($1,416,000). She said no.
Reported by Elliott at 7:39 PM
New Slughorn Pics
We have 2 new promotional pictures. Both show Professor Slughorn waving his wand around. You can see them here and here. I love them and I hope you do too!
Reported by Elliott at 7:22 PM
We're Moving!
Siriusly Potter will be located at all over the world sometime within the next 3 days! For now the blogspot hosted site still works best but some of you will be able to use the new site right off the bat. It all depends on complicated server stuff that I don't even understand. Anyway, the site may be a bit rough around the edges because it is in "transition". But it will all work perfectly in 3 days! Sorry is this had caused an inconvenience. I hope you enjoy the new site! Remember if you like what you see tell your friends, subscribe to the podcast, vote in the poll, or all 3! Siriusly Potter is a baby site right now. Only you can help us get up on our feet and walk!
Reported by Elliott at 7:17 PM
It's Not A Doll! It's A Charater Figure!
New dolls, excuse me, "character figures" have been released by The Tonner Doll Company. These figures are of Dumbledore and Bellatrix. You can see the glorified Barbies here. Enjoy (sarcastically)!
Reported by Elliott at 5:43 PM
New Dan Interview!
Dan has given a new interview with The Daily Beast's Kevin Sessums. The description reads "Daniel Radcliffe [talks] about being adored by gay men, the 'stupidity' of Prince Harry, and why he wants to give Sasha and Malia Obama a personal tour of Hogwarts." You can read it here!
Reported by Elliott at 5:27 PM
January 26, 2009
New McGonagall Pic in HD
Here's a picture of Minerva McGonagall (Maggie Smith) in High Definition, or resolution, or whatever it is.
Reported by Divya at 7:54 PM
Where is the Podcast Player?
We are sorry but the "Podcast Player" has disappeared due to problems at It should be back up soon!
UPDATE: It is back! Enjoy!
Reported by Elliott at 7:29 PM
J.K. Rowling Named Most Powerful Author on Earth
J.K.R. has been named #9 on "The Celebrity 100" on She is sandwiched between Brad Pitt and The Police. Her "pay rank" is 1, her "web rank" is 23, her "Press Rank" is 27, her "TV/Radio Rank" is 64, and her "Power Rank" is (as we already said) 9. Forbes reports her pay at $300 million US dollars! The top 10 also includes Oprah, Tiger Woods, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce, David Beckham, Johny Depp, and Jay-Z. Not only does she have the highest pay of anybody on the list, she is also the only author in the top 30. And she is one of only four total authors on the list. These authors are J.K.R. (9), Stephen King (34), James Patterson (58), and Tom Clancy (75). Forbes has this to say about our favorite author "It was wizardry that transformed J.K. Rowling from a destitute single mother on welfare into a best-selling billionaire."
Reported by Elliott at 7:04 PM
Rob or Dan?
In a recent article with Dan is claiming that Robert Pattinson (Edward/Cedric, whoever you like) is way more appealing to girls than he'll ever be. He says,
Reported by Divya at 6:22 PM
Obama Children to Visit HBP Set
According to HPANA, Daniel Radcliffe has issued an invitation to President Obama's two daughters, Sasha and Malia, for a personal tour of the Half Blood Prince set, and would serve as their personal tour guide.
Reported by Divya at 5:31 PM
January 25, 2009
A Musical Mess!
A new article in the Telegraph reveals more info about Harry Potter The Musical. National Theater Boss Sir Trevor Nunn had this to say "Many many years ago I proposed it and they said: 'Oh if only you had come to us a few weeks ago. We have just sold the movie rights [to Warner Brothers]', It will be a long time now before anyone is allowed to stage Harry Potter." He defends the musical saying "The movies are so spectacular – it's a bit like The Lord of the Rings, unless you go in the opposite direction and don't go for spectacle, there's no way you can compete."
Reported by Elliott at 5:45 PM
New Poll!
Trio is Heading to Gringotts- Big Time
According to an article in the Sunday Express, the three main Harry Potter actors, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, are among the top 20 in a recent list of those who are Rich under the age of 30.
Reported by Divya at 9:38 AM