Wingardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm)
"wing" + "arduus" L. high, steep + "levo" L. to raise up, levitate
Also, Rowling named many of her charactors after many famouse, Greek heroes and emerors: Hermione: the only daughter of Menelaus and Helen from the Trojan war
Severus: A greek emperor (and not a very popular one at that)
Minerva: another name for the greek godess "Athena", the godess of wisdome (and as fate would have it, she is also the godess of strictness)
So, when your mom gets on your case for not doing any homework, say, "Harry Potter is made me smarter-er two!" (Now you know why I am the way I is)
(Also, check out the Encyclopedia of spells: