
February 21, 2009

Graffiti for Good

The Scotsman has published a charming new article about JK Rowling. It reports on a visit she made to The Royal Edinburgh Hospital's Young People's Unit. She visited children with "complex psychiatric conditions". While she was there she graffitied the walls. She wrote "JK Rowling was here" for all of the children to enjoy. Hospital employee Dr. Morris said "She really does spread magic. She's a natural and knows how to talk to young people. And she's extremely cool. She does graffiti on the walls which is probably worth a fortune. I'd offer her a job any time as she's already a great therapist." You can read this article here.

New Video Game Interview

Click here to watch a new interview with the creators of the Harry Potter video game!

Deathly Hallows Set "Under Construction" in Pinewood

Several new images have surfaced of a "row of houses" being built at Pinewood Studios in London for the Deathly Hallows film. We are not sure how these houses will be used in the film but you can see them here. One interesting thing about this set is that it is located in Pinewood studios not Leavesden Studios where the movies are normally filmed. These pictures were taken by a fan named John who was on a set tour at Pinewood when he took these pictures. Click on the pictures to make them larger. Thanks for the pictures Leaky!

New German HBP Tee-Shirts

As part of their "Dark Arts Collection" Elbenwald.de, a German Tee-Shirt company, has released a few new Half Blood Prince shirts. There are also some new shirts in the "Quidditch Collection". You can access the site here. Good luck with the German though!

Signed Deathly Hallows Auction

A copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is up for auction. 58% of the money is going to support HIV/AIDS research. This auction is being held for the C.W.A.C. To bid on it, click here.

February 18, 2009

Rob Presents an Oscar

Remember how there will be some special Half Blood Prince footage? Well, Robert Pattinson (Cedric and/or Edward, you pick) is going to be at the Oscars this Saturday presenting an award, which is bound to make your day if you're a bit of Pattzy, like me.

RopeOfSilicon believes this might be to turn the number of viewers, but now they need a way to get the people who were upset The Dark Knight wasn't nominated to watch.

Let's see what they come up with next. For more click here.

ALSO: MTV has updated their site saying along with Harry Potter, there'll be some Watchmen and Transformers. For more click here.

Glimpse the Wizarding World

You've been dyeing to go to the Harry Potter theme park, haven't you? Shame it's not open yet.

So in order to make your wait less painful we decided to post some pics that'll make your day. They include different areas of the park and they're pretty recent. You saw one at the top left, but now click here for more.

February 16, 2009

Hagrid's Hut "Unoccupied"

We have more theme park news from the Orlando Sentential. Hagrid's hut is just going to be an unoccupied structure, with nothing going on inside. It is being built at this moment as you read this post.

"Hagrid's Hut is an unoccupied themed prop structure," according to one permit description.

So basically it is a really BIG hunk of wood and stone with nothing inside.

For the full article click here.

February 15, 2009

New Poll!

We have a new poll:

How do you feel about Stephen King's comments on the Twilight Saga?

-I'm on King's side!
-Who cares? Not me!
-He was rude. But I agree.
-King is a jerk!

Voting closes midnight on St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) so VOTE NOW! Just click on your choice to the right of this post. Note that you can't vote in this post. I am just reporting the choices. We will be talking about this topic on an upcoming podcast. Enjoy!

New Emma Picture

This is a new picture of Emma Watson (Hermione) from ScarPotter.com. Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Greyback in Action (Figure)

I don't often quote other Harry Potter news sites. But Sue over at The Leaky Cauldron put this news into such beautiful word that I just must quote her."Ever fancy having a deranged homicidal raging Werewolf of your very own? Well now you can..." Yes NECA has released a Greyback action figure that will be on display at the Toy Fair in New York City. Some of the other previously released action figures will also be shown at the fair. You can see Greyback's picture here. The Leaky article that I quoted can be found here.

King Bashes Meyer

We told you earlier about an interview Stephen King did with USA Weekend. Well, after receiving several e-mails I feel I must report on one not-so-pleasant part of the article. After praising JK Rowling King said "Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn. She's not very good." As you can imagine Twilight fans are a little bit upset at this comment. I am not going to share any personal feelings in this article. If you wish to hear our thoughts on this topic, tune in The Sirisuly Potter Podcast next week and we will talk about it then. To read a full article on this topic (from the Baltimore Sun) click here.

Emma Brings Home The Bacon

We told you a little while back that Emma Watson (Hermione) entered a plate she designed in a charity auction for Blue Peter's Mission Nutrition. Well, it sold for £698.78 (1,003.31 US dollars). The aim of the program is to raise £500,000 (717,899.85 US Dollars). You can visit the Blue Peter's Mission Nutrition web site here.

Twip 2/15 - 2/21

Tue 2/17 ~ Bonnie Wright's Birthday (Ginny Weasley)

Sat 2/21 ~ Alan Rickman's Birthday (Severus Snape)