Justin Beiber has continued his pattern of crushing on famous women by extending an invitation to actress Emma Watson. He says “ I would love to take her out for dinner. It would be great if she could come to one of my concerts , and then we could hang out afterwards.” Unfortunately for Bieber, Watson is reportedly dating musician and model George Craig.
August 22, 2010
Bieber Loves Harry Potter?
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:48 PM
Deathly Hallows Part 1 Screening
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:46 PM
Harry Potter Condoms?
A Swiss condom company called Magic X has recently put out a new condom called “Harry Popper”. Though the company claims that the product has nothing to do with Harry Potter, Warner Brothers is still suing them for copy right infringement. “The image of my client is in danger,” said a lawyer for Warner Brothers, “This is clearly a reference to the film and fictional character Harry Potter. The package displays a cartoon image of a condom with round- rimmed glasses, a magic wand and a tongue sticking out in an unsavory fashion. Switzerland will decided in the coming weeks whether or not to ban the condoms.
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:44 PM
Magical Theft
A Pittsbuirgh police officer was arrested at Universal Studios Orlando after he was caught shoplifting Harry Potter merchandise. Henry Rogowski, 49, took $329.70 worth of photo albums, key chains, bookmarks, playing cards and other items. Rogowski told investigators that he didn’t feel like waiting in line to pay. He was charged with grand theft.
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:39 PM
Magic Vacations
You and another Harry Potter- obsessed friend could be spending 4 days at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. A non-profit orginazation called The International Confederation of Wizards wants to send two people who have never stepped foot inside the Wizarding World on their dream vacation. So th company has just launched a You Tube video contest. In the most creative and entertaining- yet personal- way possible, you’re asked to answer this question “Why should you be chosen to visit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter?” Submit your video to the Confederation’s You Tube Channel. Go to http://www.confederationofwizards.org/ for the contest requirements.
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:37 PM
Don't Mess With Potter!
Kimberly Townley- Smith, a lawyer who tried to block the release of a Harry Potter movie in Canada and have some of the film’s merchandise destroyed is facing a disciplinary hearing and risks being reprimanded fined or even losing her licence to practice law.
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:35 PM
DH Video Game
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One video game will be avaliable this autumn on Kinect for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, Nintendo DS, PC, and mobile devices. This game will feature unique challenges that can be for either one or two players, playing as Harry, Ron, or Hermione.
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 2:32 PM