
October 4, 2009

Happy Birthday to McGonagall!

J.K. Rowling's calendar has been updated to wish Professor Minerva McGonagall a happy birthday.

It's today do celebrate!!!!!

Rowling Denied Presidential Award by Bush Admin

This news initially broke a couple weeks ago but has recently been picked up in various major media outlets. According to a new book by Matt Latimer, who was US President Bush's speechwriter, Bush's administration had denied JK Rowling a Presidential Award because the Potter books promoted witchcraft.

From the BBC:

The claims appear in Latimer's new book called Speechless: Tales of a White House Survivor.

He wrote that "narrow thinking" led White House officials to object to giving Rowling the civilian honour.

The award acknowledges contributions to US national interest, world peace or cultural endeavours.

Thanks to everyone who has e-mailed in with the tip.

Emma is being Stalked!

Emma Watson's hopes of being just another college student have just been shattered. The Harry potter star was stalked by Harvard students when she was visiting a football game between Brown and Harvard. The stalkers posted on Twitter or "tweeted" earlier that day that they would "possibly stalking Emma Watson, so keep your eyes peeled". During the game the stalkers posted such things on twitter as "Let's go Hermione! Lolz," , "In enemy territory. lokking for a certian witch" and " WATSON FOUND! I repeat WATSON FOUND!"