*Spoiler Alert*
This is the one we have all read before and also the only one where J.K.R. wrote the story before the title. Although I wouldn't say it is the best in the book it is still like a fresh breath of air at the end. To read some material that you know well from "Deathly Hallows" felt great. Dumbledore comments were new though. They have some further character development in how much more obsessed he was with the wand than any of the other Deathly Hallows.Then, at the very end he says "Even I, Albus Dumbledore, would find it easiest to refuse the Invisibility Cloak; which only goes to show that, clever as I am, I remain just as big a fool as anyone else." Then on the other side of the page there is a drawing by J.K.R. showing a wand and a rose laying in an x as if to say "I'm setting down my wand now, this was a beautiful time. But here is the end. X marks the spot. Goodbye." Oh My God! I was looking at this on the toilet and I almost started crying (sorry T.M.I.). Then came the bit about Children's High Level Group and that made me feel good about myself and then it was over. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! No! it felt like I was finishing Book 7 all over again! Could this be the end? I don't know! Somebody hug me!
December 6, 2008
The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Tale of The Three Brothers
Reported by Elliott at 6:03 PM
The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump
*Spoiler Alert*
Although I commend J.K. Rowling for creating a story around the title "Babbity Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump" the story was no where near as entertaining as the others. I'm not saying it was bad. I found it interesting and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. It was no where near as astounding as the others. The Dumbledore comments were equally boring. It was like a history lecture rather than a funny conversation with Dumbledore. And although I appreciate the new cannon I just want it to end! I don't mean to be rude about the story I think J.K.R. just was put in a hard situation when she chose to include this title in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"(at the time of writing these titles into the book she had no idea that she would later be writing them into real stories). So yeah... That's all.
Reported by Elliott at 5:02 PM
The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Warlock's Hairy Heart
*Spoiler Alert*
Ok This one was 10x better than Fountain of Fair Fortune! They just get better and better! This one was so gruesome though! Ugh! It made me cry and vomit at the some time! It was a beautiful story though. J.K.R. went from Barbra Kingslover to Stephen King. Or from Care Bears to Titanic. Fables to Hamlet. You get the point. This story really should just become a classic short story. It really seems like one of the many mega-depressing stories we read in English class. But much more amazing. These stories really force you to realize what sets J.K.R. apart from other authors (including Stephanie Meyer): She can do anything in any style. Although she has only published The Harry Potter books and Harry Potter companion books this book proves how many different ways she can present a story! The Dumbledore comments were not as fun as they have been. But they did bring up a good point about the metaphore between what was happening to him and his heart and the connections between what the warlock did and what Voldemort did to make horcruxes. Plus it featured another wonderful mention of Ms. Bloxam. Still the comments were not up to par with the others or maybe it just looked like crap compared to the AMAZING STORY!!!! If yo do not own this book within the next 48 hours I may have to come and kill you in your sleep! That's all! See you soon for my review of Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump.
Reported by Elliott at 3:56 PM
The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Fountain of Fair Fortune
*Spoiler Alert*
This Story was 10x better than Hopping Pot! I loved it! And the comments by Dumbledore were amazing! (I'm a theater geek so... I LOVED IT!!!!) I want to go the W.A.D.A.!!! And the story was beautiful! I want to live by the ideas presented in the story! I shows that sometimes its not what you have but how you got it that counts! It shows that what you truly need was inside of you all along! I has so many beautiful messages in it and then that hilarious commentary! Sorry I'm repeating myself but Oh My Goodness that was amazing! READ IT NOW!!!
Reported by Elliott at 3:24 PM
The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Wizard and The Hopping Pot
*Spoiler Alert*
I'm going to review the stories one at a time as I read them. The Wizard and The Hopping pot is a really cute story. I love the background Dumbledore gives about the origins of the story. That was almost better than the story itself. The thing I was wondering most was why didn't the foot go away after he had fixed everything? I also love JKR's drawings! The are just as good as Mary GrandePre's drawings. Sorry I'm getting off track. The Wizard and The Hopping Pot feels like it is a really Grimm Brothers fairy tale! It was really wonderful and I can't wait to read the rest! See you soon for my review of The Fountain of Fair Fortune.
Reported by Elliott at 2:32 PM
December 4, 2008
Twilight Review/ Beedle THE Bard
Hey Everybody!
I hope Jordan's review didn't discourage you from Twilight. I'm soon going to be posting another review soon so everyone can get a different perspective. AND we also did a podcast dedicated to the new movie.
And secondly I would like to apologize because I was calling Beedle the Bard, "Beedle and the Bard". And according to Divya and Elliott I offended people, so i'm sorry.
So have a great weekend everybody!
PS: Make sure to pick up a copy of Beedle THE Bard ( I just read it and it's really good)!
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 8:57 PM
December 3, 2008
Beedle the Bard
Borders and Waldenbooks have announce to have midnight parties for Beedle the Bard.
Reported by Divya at 7:04 AM
December 2, 2008
We're on iTunes!
Our podcast is on iTunes!!! I just checked right now, and if you go to the iTunes store and type in "Siriusly Potter" in the search bar, you can download our podcast off of iTunes! Brilliant, right?
Reported by Divya at 4:53 PM
December 1, 2008
Reported by Divya at 8:10 PM
David Thewlis Wins "Richard Harris Award"
Reported by Divya at 7:15 PM
iTunes has contacted us and we have been APPROVED! The podcast should be up on iTunes within 24 hours. I don't know if it will be called "siriuslypotter's Podcast" or "Siriusly Potter" but if you search in the search bar I'm sure you will find it (just wait 24 hours and I'll let you know when it is up and running 100%). I will try to put a subscribe button on the site, we'll see how that works out. That's all for now! I just wanted to let you know that it will be up within 24 hours!
PS: If you don't have iTunes click here.
Reported by Elliott at 6:33 PM
November 30, 2008
Siriusly Potter to Take Over iTunes?
Fun podcasty news! We have sent our podcast to iTunes! They are "reviewing it" but it should be up soon! Soon you won't have to go to Podomatic.com! HURRAY! And maybe someday I can put it up on PodcastAlley! But that might take a bit longer! Anyway cross your fingers and hope that iTunes is smart and "approves" our podcast! I'll update as soon as I can!
Reported by Elliott at 3:47 PM