A new article about Tom Felton (Draco) has been released by the AFP. He reveals that Draco was his second fall back row. He says he died his hair brown and tried for Harry then died it red and tried for Ron and finally after dying his hair blond, he got the role of Draco. You can read the full article here.
July 4, 2009
Tom Talks Potter
Reported by Elliott at 8:52 PM
Dan Spills the Brown Beans
It has been long speculated where actress Emma Watson will be going for Collage. Dan was speaking about her and accidently let this slip when talking to The Guardian:
“[Emma's] very clever. Do you know her GCSE results? (bulges eyes) I was thrilled with mine - seven Bs, two As and an A*. I thinkEmma got three As and seven A*s - she’s incredibly academic, it’s frightening. Me and Rupert [Grint] to all intents and purposes dropped out of school. And she’s going to Brown.”
Reported by Elliott at 6:31 PM
Village Cinema Contest
Village Cinema is offering one luck Harry Potter fan a chance to be in the 7th and final Harry Potter film.
Reported by Elliott at 6:21 PM
HBP Featured in Nat Geo Kids
The scans are in from an article in National Geographic Kids about the 6th Harry Potter film. Click here to view them on our Flickr.
Reported by Elliott at 6:11 PM
The Next Big Conference
Today MuggleNet.com announced plans for the next big Harry Potter conference with a one major difference: all the money goes to charity. The conference is called Muggle Mayhem and it will be held in the The Park Inn in Northampton, UK from august 7th-9th 2009. MuggleNet.com promises many benefits if you are in attendance including 3 themed party passes, free autographs from members of the cast of the film, and tickets to "Academic Symposiums". All the benefits from this event Multiple Sclerosis Society Scotland, a charity supported by JK Rowling. MuggleNet.com and its business partner, Showmasters Ltd., have put up a website which you can acssess for more information via this link. Keep check for more information about Siriusly Potter possible attending. More soon.
Reported by Elliott at 2:57 PM
HBO is Looking Out for YOU
HBO has released its "First Look" special for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Reported by Elliott at 11:55 AM
New York Won't Stop Partying
The New York Scholastic Store is planning a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Paperback Edition release party. Thank goodness somebody cares about the paperbacks. They have been neglected for many years. If you live in the New York City area it is the 7th at 10:00.
Reported by Elliott at 11:44 AM
According to a new article on BBC.co.uk Rupert Grint (Ron) is currently recovering from a small case of the swine flu. For all those of you who want to snuggle with Rupert, never fear, he is no longer contagious. Read the absolutely amazing article here.
Reported by Elliott at 11:24 AM
Now YOU Can Interview Them
CNN is going to be conducting an interview with and they want US to ask the questions. Here is how it works:
"If you're a Harry Potter fan, put your question on video for director David Yates or one of the following cast members: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), Jim Broadbent (Prof Slughorn), Michael Gambon (Prof Dumbledore), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), or Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy).
Please limit one question per cast member and keep your submissions short and concise. Selected videos and their responses will be aired on CNN and posted on CNN.com."
Go to this site and click on the orange button.
Reported by Elliott at 11:17 AM
Something Mildly Interesting
A new video has appeared online of a scoring session for the upcoming Harry Potter film. For those that are not aware the score for a film is recorded while the conductor is looking at movie so that the music and action match up (You can see this on the screens in front of him). It is an interesting video. Click here.
Reported by Elliott at 11:04 AM
Harry and Ron "Down Under"
Get your mind out of the gutter I'm talking about Australia! Dan and Rupert are set to appear on the Australian talk show "Rove". The show will air on July 5th at 8:30 AEST.
Reported by Elliott at 10:59 AM
Yates Gets in on the Interview Fun
David Yates (the director of movies 5, 6, and 7) has given an interview with The Telegraph. In the interview he calls HBP "wonderful". What a big surprise, it's like he's trying to promote the film. Click here for the goodies.
Reported by Elliott at 10:54 AM
Another MTV Video Interview
Actors should really keep their mouths shut. Siriusly, they should. But Dan, Emma, and Rupert don't listen to my advice. Click here to hear what they have to say.
Reported by Elliott at 10:51 AM
New HBP Photos
If you would like to join my new club:
Reported by Elliott at 10:43 AM
Dan Talks DH
In a new article in the New Zealand herald Dan Radcliffe (Harry) shares his feelings on the 7th movie being split in 2:
"I'm very happy that the seventh book is being made as two films," notes Radcliffe, "because I was worried they would have to cut important scenes. For example in the fourth film you could cut out the house elf sub-plot and it doesn't affect the main story in any way. In the second film they cut out the Nearly Headless Nick Death Day Party. In fact that whole character has fallen by the wayside. The problem with doing that with the final book is that there is nothing that doesn't relate to the main story or drive it forward. There's not much you could cut. So we've given ourselves the room and opportunity to do it justice."
Read the full article here.
Reported by Elliott at 10:32 AM
LA Times Could Be Mistaken for Daily Prophet
The LA Times has yet another article about an actor form the Harry P0tter Movies. This times it's Rupert Grint (Ron). You can read it here.
Reported by Elliott at 9:51 AM
Interview Clip from MTV
Click here for an exclusive on the relationships in HPB.
Reported by Elliott at 9:47 AM
New HBP Clip from MovieFone
For those that can't wait 10 days; click here.
Reported by Elliott at 9:45 AM
LA Times interviews Matt Lewis
The LA times has a new interview with actor Matt Lewis (Neville). Click here to read the full interview. Here is my personal favorite part:
ML: [Laughs] I only did this once! When I was about 9, 10, I guess ... I had my dressing gown on and, uh, I was just running around the house pretending to be Harry Potter for a bit.
Reported by Elliott at 8:59 AM
3 Cities I Wish I Live In:
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago. What do these 3 cities have in common? They all get the IMAX version of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince early. The IMAX version was set to be released in participating IMAX theaters on the 29th of July. But these tree cities get the IMAX version on the 15th when the rest of us get the regular version.
Reported by Elliott at 8:49 AM
Dan and Rupert to be on Today Show
Dan Radcliffe (Harry) and Rupert Grint (Ron) are set to appear on The Today Show on NBC on July 10th. Check your local listings for more information.
Reported by Elliott at 8:44 AM
Thank Goodness
HPANA (another fan site) has released a wonderful "interview roundup". It's essentially a list of links to all the interviews of the past few weeks. You can find it here. Thanks for saving my life HPANA!
Reported by Elliott at 8:40 AM
Twin Talk
The LA Times has a new interview with Oliver and James Phelps (Fred and George). This is just one of the many interviews that are being released before the 6th movie. Here was my favorite part of this interview:
What was your favorite experience working on “Half-Blood Prince"?
OP: That would be being a part of the Fred and George joke shop scene. The crew built an exquisite set, and there are a lot of special effects involved to simulate the magical pops and explosions. It’s a great scene.
JP: I really enjoyed working with the crew. Most of my actual acting I was able to complete in about two weeks. When I wasn’t acting, I would help the crew set up scenes and shots. I learned a lot more about direction and filmmaking in general, and that was pretty cool.
Reported by Elliott at 8:31 AM
Emma and Dan on Letterman
Emma Watson (Hermione) and Dan Radcliffe (Harry) are set to apear on the Late Show with David Letterman two nights in a row: Emma on the 8th, Dan on the 9th.
Reported by Elliott at 8:23 AM
Another ABC Family Sneak Peek
Some new footage from the Half Blood Prince film is set to air on ABC Family next weekend during a Harry Potter Movie Marathon. The footage is said to include not only movie clips but also more actor interviews. Check your local listings for more information.
Reported by Elliott at 8:17 AM
New DH Pics
See some new pictures from the set of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows right here.
Reported by Elliott at 8:16 AM
June 28, 2009
New in Depth Rupert Interview
What do kissing, murder, and Michele Obama all have in common?
Reported by Elliott at 8:43 AM
TWiP June 28 - July 4