We haven't had any news updates in a long time, but hey, it's been pretty slow. So here's what you've been missing.
-David Heyman, producer of the HP movies, is still debating where to split the DH movies. If you don't know what we mean about that well, here's the thing. Deathly Hallow (movie version) is being split into two movies and Heyman is still on the rocks about where to split it.
-The official website of Emma Watson (Hermione) has started a contest to win Tales of Despereaux, in which Emma plays the princess, signed by her. Go here for more details. Her site has been updated for the holidays, very festive!
-A few more pics from HBP have been release, so click here, here, oh! And here. Here too. (Thank you MuggleNet).
-And finally, Happy Birthday to Melissa Anelli, webmistress of the Leaky Cauldron, as well as author of Harry, a History, who celebrates her birthday today, 12/27/08. All the best to her!