
December 6, 2008

The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Warlock's Hairy Heart

*Spoiler Alert*

Ok This one was 10x better than Fountain of Fair Fortune! They just get better and better! This one was so gruesome though! Ugh! It made me cry and vomit at the some time! It was a beautiful story though. J.K.R. went from Barbra Kingslover to Stephen King. Or from Care Bears to Titanic. Fables to Hamlet. You get the point. This story really should just become a classic short story. It really seems like one of the many mega-depressing stories we read in English class. But much more amazing. These stories really force you to realize what sets J.K.R. apart from other authors (including Stephanie Meyer): She can do anything in any style. Although she has only published The Harry Potter books and Harry Potter companion books this book proves how many different ways she can present a story! The Dumbledore comments were not as fun as they have been. But they did bring up a good point about the metaphore between what was happening to him and his heart and the connections between what the warlock did and what Voldemort did to make horcruxes. Plus it featured another wonderful mention of Ms. Bloxam. Still the comments were not up to par with the others or maybe it just looked like crap compared to the AMAZING STORY!!!! If yo do not own this book within the next 48 hours I may have to come and kill you in your sleep! That's all! See you soon for my review of Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump.
