
April 21, 2009

Way To State the Obvious Dan

In a recent interview with Empire magazine, David Heyman and Daniel Radcliffe sat down to discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows filming, including where they'll split the movie. This is what Dan has to say, says Empire: "Daniel Radcliffe added that the split is "at a very tense cliffhanger", which may be a bigger clue for fans."

Like we already didn't know it was going to be a cliffhanger! Way to go Captain Obvious...

Anyway, here's more from Empire: "The pair also discussed the coda to the end of the seventh book (*Mild spoilers follow*), which takes place 19 years after the main story. While Heyman is keen to use Benjamin Button-like technology to age the three main actors to play their older selves, Radcliffe is equally keen to get it right."

Hmm.... who's ready to see a 30-something Dan? And Rupert, and Emma...