In a new interview with EvannaLynchFans, Luna Lovegood actress Evanna Lynch talks about the Lovegoods and filming for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Which part of Deathly Hallows are you most excited about seeing turned into film?
I imagine everyone will say this-the walk through the woods and Platform nine and three quarters... It will be so exciting to see how they translate that experience onto film, to see what someone else made of it. And of course the Lovegood house!! I have seen it being made from scratch and been in it and all around it and it is absolutely beautiful, much more vivid and detailed and alive than anything...I'm so excited just to see Mr.Lovegood in action. Luna has always been so different and jarring to those around her, it will be so nice to see someone with the same energy and hear his lines, you can't beat the Lovegoods for unpredictability.
Check out the rest of the interview here to read more about Evanna Lynch herself and her role in Half-Blood Prince.
August 11, 2009
Evanna SPEAK! Read it!
Reported by Siriusly Podcasters at 7:20 PM