Brain Leaf has created a vocbulary workbook for Twlight fans to help study for the SATs. The book is called Defining Twilight. This is a small but clever study aid meant to be used side by side with your own copy of Twilight. Defining Twilight is divided 40 chapters following the novel from beginning to end. Each chapter contains a group of eight words. For each word Leaf cites, he provides a page number where it appears in the novel. After reading the word in context within Meyer's Novel, the reader guesses at its meaning then checks it against Leaf's definition. The books is $9.99 and is aviliab;e through Wiley Publishing Inc. and wherever books are sold.
August 19, 2009
Twilight Has Infultrated Our Schools!!!
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 8:56 AM