That's right folks, Tom Felton can be found in Atlanta Georgia this weekend at the DragonCon convention. While at the convention, Mr. Felton obliged reporters with some Q and A time, and here is a quote on what he said.
Although Draco Malfoy is considered to be a villain, Felton sees Draco and Harry as two sides of a coin. Harry has good influences around him, but Draco has the worst—his father, Lucius, and Bellatrix, for example. "I think there's some good down inside [Draco] somewhere. A lot ... is left unwritten—where Draco stands [at the end] in all the madness." One drawback to his role is the effect he has on children who visit the set. They're happy to meet Radcliff[e], Grimes [sic], and Watson, but Felton "scare[s] the daylights out of children. They hide behind their parents' legs. It’s a nightmare, but it also means I'm doing something right."