We recently made the announcement on our last podcast (which is not online yet, so this is kind of a spoiler) that we are no longer having daily new updates on our site. We sucked at it, we were slow, lazy and really? It just didn't work out. You can go to other sites to finds news.
Right now, this site will be dedicated to Siriusly Potter and FUN! Harry Potter Fun of course!
So here's a few posts from My Life is Average concerning the Potter Fandom:
"I was at school and people were walking around with stickers on their shirts that said 'Team Edward' and 'Team Jacob'. 25% of the school wore Edward stickers, 25% wore Jacob Stickers and the rest didn't participate. I wanted to break this tie and so I made my own group. After I made my own group, 40% of the school joined mine. Team Potter won. MLIA."
"A few days ago I was eating in the dining hall with my friends and someone pointed out a guy who looked a lot like Harry Potter. I said, "It's because this is secretly Hogwarts." Right at that moment a guy walked by carrying a Harry Potter style broomstick. Wizards have uncanny timing. MLIA."
"Today when I was walking down the street some girl said I looked like Edward from twilight. To mess with I went shhh and she started to get excited and asked for an autograph. I said sure if you keep it quiet. She gave a pen and paper and I wrote proudly Cedric Diggory lives on and ran away MLIA."
"Today, I walked past a Miley Cyrus poster in the hallway at my high school. Then, I watched my teacher beat her picture with a water bottle, saying "Why is Miley Cyrus on the wall?! We shouldn't have to look at her!" New favorite teacher? Definitely. MLIA."
Okay... couldn't resist that last one.
Apparently there's an Average Wizard site too! Here's one more:
"While visiting my cousins in Arizona, I saw a VW Beetle and thought nothing of it until I saw the licence plate which read: THEBARD. I just saw Beedle the Bard driving down an Arizona Freeway."
Siriusly, check these out!
February 27, 2010
Some Averageness...
Reported by Divya at 5:20 PM