Next weekend, over 60 teams from colledges such as Hravard, Duke, Penn. State, M.I.T., and Yale are going to compete in the fourth annual Quidditch World Cup. But student Valerie Fischman is not satisfied with the sport's current status. She says, "I think that having NCAA status it will have a little credibility and help keep it around a little bit longer. I'm hoping that it will stay around long after the Harry Potter generation leaves colledge." But Quidditch players have to go through several hoops (haha) to becaome a NCAA sport. There must be a minimum of 50 quidditch clubs at colledges across the country. Then the athletic directors must potition the NCAA individually, a process that could take years if it happens at all.
November 10, 2010
Quidditch as an NCAA sport?
Reported by vanessaevans24 at 11:09 AM