
September 19, 2009

Harry Potter Keeps Giving Back

Daniel Radcliffe has pledged his support to a national helpline. The charity is called Get Connected and is a helpline for young people age 25 and under who have a problm but do not know where to find help. Dan had this to say about the charity , "I am delighted to pledge my suuport for Get Connected, and mark its 10th anniversary by becoming its first 'best freind'. We live in a world that is so full of choice and information; it is often impossible to know where to turn or what to do. Get Connected is there for young people in need of help no matter what the issue, from eating disorders to abuse, homelessness to pregnancy. I see Get Connected as much more than just a gateway for imformation; it is a friend to thousands of young people across the UK." So way to give back to the community Dan!

New Trailer for an Old Movie

Ok everybody this fall Warner Brothers are coming out with an Ultimate Editions of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stones and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The dvd includes a lot of extras which includes new clips and footage including Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson's original screen test! To see the trailer for these new dvds go to http://www.celebuzz.com/video-harry-potter-ultimate-editions-s136141/.