
November 6, 2009

Harry Potter Is Naked?

Filming is underway for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and director David Yates was asked to comment on the rumors about Daniel Radcliffe being naked in the last movie he said"
"Daniel Radcliffe appears naked in one scene where Harry and Ron are fighting a magical creature, who fled to confuse and create a vision. In the view we see Harry and a woman embracing and kissing. It’s an intriguing scene and very sensual. "

Things are getting a little risque over at Hogwarts!

November 3, 2009

Benedictine monk says HP is OK

There have been some resenters of Harry Potter from some religious communities, putting Harry Potter and many banned books lists, but a Benedictime monk doesn't agree. Fr. Luke is publishing a book titled "Baptising Harry Potter: A Christian Reading of Harry Potter". "I do not think there is any intelligent view out there that says these books are evil. They are the sort of objections that come from people who have not read them. I don't feel at all that the books were leading children away from Christian spirituality. They are full of Christian themes of love and sacrifice," he said. -Mugglenet.

JK Rowling Cafe reopens

The cafe where JK Rowling originally started writing the Harry Potter books is reopening after being a chinese buffet. The owner said: “It’s a big space, so we need to make it cosy – we will welcome people to come along and sit all day – and write books if they like." -Mugglenet

Hogwarts construction contiunues

The Orlando Sentinel reports: "The skyline of Islands of Adventure continues to morph as the Wizarding World of Harry Potter goes up. It's fun that you can see Hogwarts from Interstate 4 now, especially in the eastbound lanes. We took the usual counterclockwise spin through Islands on Sunday and construction sounds were evident in a couple of places, including behind the tarps obscuring the Dueling Dragons castle." -Mugglenet http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/features_orlando/2009/11/universal-islands-of-adventure-wizarding-world-of-harry-potter-pictures.html for pictures of the construction.

Cover of Empire Magazine

Daniel Radcliffe will be on one of the covers of the December issure of Empire Magazine with nine other film icons. "The UK film magazine says this issue will contain a feature that has 'Ten years of the boy wizard. Ten years of Daniel Radcliffe - by Olly Richards'".-The Leaky Cauldron. Other icons on the covers include Viggo Mortensen as Aragon from Lord of the Rings, Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow, and Daniel Craig as James Bond.

Hedwig's Theme

The harry Potter theme song by John Williams was selected as the all time favorite for childrens classics for the station Classic FM in the UK. Hedwig's Theme was running againsts other movie scores like Jurassic Park, E.T., and Pirates of the Caribbean.