
December 31, 2008

New Pics from HBP released

Okay, what is this video below? Well, it's a little video with some new HBP pics from a recent issue of CineLive. Well here it is (Sorry no music):                       

December 30, 2008

Isaacs Tortures Self to Prepare for HBP(?)

The guy tortures himself? Yeah, it's that intense. Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) is really into this role. He recently gave an interview with Ain't It Cool News stating that:

"...Harry Potter, it's been such an enormous part of my life for years now, and almost everything I do, I knock myself out to try and make things real-- I research them, I over-research them... I steep myself in it and torture myself at night trying to make something interesting and believable and human... You really have to hit the ground running."

But there's a lot more than Harry Potter in this interview, click on the link above to get the scoop on Isaacs.

Daniel Radcliffe named Broadway Star of the Year

Forgive me if I'm a bit distracted, Toontown is very addicting... But here's what's up: Dan Radcliffe has been named Broadway Star of the year by Broadway.com in their end of the year wrap ups.

Here's Dan's reaction: "That's really, really amazing! The Broadway community has been incredibly welcoming and this sort of sums it up, really. In a year where there has been some really big performances on Broadway, to have been nominated and win is really, really cool!"

Does this guy say "really" a lot, or is that me? But hey! He's excited, and it's a big thing. Congrats Dan!

Empire Magazine releases new HBP photos

The Empire Magazine February issue recently did a feature on top movies of 2009, and how can Harry Potter not be a part of that? In the article, included was a photo of the Weasley twins (James and Oliver Phelps) at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, talking to David Yates (director). In the bottom, right hand corner there is also a photo of the trio plus Slughorn in the Three Broomsticks. Check out the picture to your left.

Interesting Fact: Notice how "Magical Mayhem" and "Disastrous" are on the walls of WWW? It's right under the railway.

(click on the picture for a bigger view)

December 29, 2008

Cool Picture

Hey everybody!
I found a picture of Beedle the Bard that was released in Iran, and I thought it was cool to see Harry Potter throughtout the world.

(click on the title to get the link)

December 28, 2008

TWIP 12/28 - 1/3

Sun 12/28 ~ Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger visit Xenophilius Lovegood and learn about the Deathly Hallows (1997)

Sun 12/28 ~ Maggie Smith's Birthday (Minerva McGonagall)

Wed 12/31 ~ Tom Marvolo Riddle is Born in 1926

December 27, 2008


We haven't had any news updates in a long time, but hey, it's been pretty slow. So here's what you've been missing.

-David Heyman, producer of the HP movies, is still debating where to split the DH movies. If you don't know what we mean about that well, here's the thing. Deathly Hallow (movie version) is being split into two movies and Heyman is still on the rocks about where to split it.
-The official website of Emma Watson (Hermione) has started a contest to win Tales of Despereaux, in which Emma plays the princess, signed by her. Go here for more details. Her site has been updated for the holidays, very festive!
-A few more pics from HBP have been release, so click here, here, oh! And here. Here too. (Thank you MuggleNet).
-And finally, Happy Birthday to Melissa Anelli, webmistress of the Leaky Cauldron, as well as author of Harry, a History, who celebrates her birthday today, 12/27/08. All the best to her!

Episode 9

We have found a date in which we can all get together and record, so we will not be using TalkShoe. However, we want to look into live podcasts, so we will try it out in the future. Keep checking the site! Episode 9 will be available on iTunes and Podomatic on 1/1/09, New Year's Day! 

December 24, 2008

Episode 9

So we're going to make Episode Nine a New Year's Episode, even though it's not really on New Years, but yeah. Anyway, we're thinking we MIGHT try this thing called TalkShoe, it all depends on how everything works out. But if we do decide to try out TalkShoe, the widget you the left will send you to the link, because it's gonna be LIVE!!!! But we're not sure if we're using TalkShoe for sure. The widget to the right is just an estimate of when we'll record, but definite info will be posted soon.


Hey everbody , it's Vanessa doing the news.

If you would like to read, and comment on, a Harry Potter vs Twilight debate go to

In Half-blood prince Dan Radcliffe will be wearing Belstaff Couture. It is unclear if the clothing is for Half-Blood Prince, possibly for Slughorn's party scene or for use in Deathly Hallows

Teen actress Emma Watson is keen to go for higher studies but at the same time she is worried that her future classmates will take advantage of the millions she has earned from starring as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" franchise.

Emma Watson's new movie The Tale of Despereaux, came out on Friday, December 19th

December 21, 2008

TWIP 12/21 - 12/27

Mon 12/22 ~ Ralph Fiennes's Birthday (Lord Voldemort)

Wed 12/24 ~ Harry Potter and Hermione Granger visit James and Lily Potter's grave at Godric's Hollow (1997)

Christmas ~ Harry Potter Receives the Invisibility Cloak as a Gift (1991)

Christmas ~ Harry Potter discovers the Mirror of Erised (1991)

Christmas ~ Harry and Ron use Polyjuice Potion to "become" Crabbe and Goyle (1992)

Christmas ~ Harry Potter Recieves his Firebolt as an Anonymous Gift From Sirius Black (1993)

Christmas ~ Yule Ball (1994)

Thurs 12/26 ~ Ron Weasley destroys Slytherin's locket with Gryffindor's sword (1997)


December 15, 2008


Hey everybody it's Vanessa doing the news!

Daniel Radcliffe appeared in the 2008 Gypsy of the Year event, which benifits the Broadway Cares charity.

Maaim Magazine released their list of the 100 Hottest girls of 2008 and Emma Watson came in at #94.

Alen Rickmen gives and insight into the Harry Potter films, this interview can be found on YouTube.

Emma Watson talks about the Deathly Hallows and her favorite scene, she says:
"The scene that really touched me is Ron’s betrayal of Hermione, him leaving her. There’s that wonderful scene where he comes back and Hermione just launches herself at him and starts hitting him and is uncontrollably angry at him and disappointed in him for abandoning her. I’m looking forward to that because it felt very real when I read it.”

The Harry Potter Exihibition in Chicago opens on April 30, 2009

And that's all the news this week!
Have a very merry christmas everbody!
- Vanessa

December 12, 2008

HP Exhibition

The long awaited Harry Potter Exhibition is finally close to getting here! It opens April 30, 2009 at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Tickets are officially on sale here at the museum's website. If you click here you can view the press release which the Phelps Twins (Weasley Twins, my heroes!) took part in. Or here at NBC.

The Exhibition will feature cool props from the past movies, like Dobby, Buckbeak, the Goblet of Fire even! Who know what else awaits! So plan a trip to Chicago and book those tickets. You know I'll be there!

TWIP: 12/14 - 12/20

Wed 12/17 ~ First Attempt at a Duelling Club at Hogwarts, led by Lockhart and Snape (1992)

Thu 12/18 ~ Harry Potter Receives the Marauders Map from Fred and George Weasley (1993)

Thu 12/18 ~
Mr. Weasley attacked by a snake while guarding the Department of Mysteries (1995)

Thu 12/18 ~
The Basilisk Attacks Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick (1992)

Fri 12/19 ~ Visit to St. Mungo's to see Mr. Weasley (1995)

Sat 12/20 ~ Horace Slughorn's Christmas party (1996)

December 11, 2008

It's so beautiful ( sniff, sniff)

Ok this is a beautiful picture Divya, Vanessa, and I found on the Internet, it's so beautiful I started crying...

It's a picture of Harry and Ginny's wedding day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But in the bottom right corner there are two people that are helping Ginny getting ready for her wedding and we can't tell who they are , so if  anyone knows who they are please email us at vanessaevanssiriusly@gmail.com
( Click on the title above to see the picture)

December 10, 2008

TWIP: 12/7 - 12/13

Wed 12/10 ~ Kenneth Branagh's Birthday (Lockhart)

Fri 12/12 ~ Charlie Weasley's Birthday (1972)

Sorry it is so late!!!

Rowling hits the Bestseller Lists AGAIN!

It was reported in USA Today that The Tales of Beedle the Bard has hit #1 on the Bestseller list, knocking off Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight series. Meyer has had a firm grip on number one for some time now, but Beedle has shaken that grip and takes the spot of number 1, Thursday.

December 9, 2008


Hope you guys enjoyed Beedle the Bard! Anyways, bit of news, some even relating to Beedle!

-Beedle the Bard has become the fastest selling book of 2008, with 367,265 copies sold on the first day, December 4.
-Beedle hits the big screen? Who knows? WB is still trying to figure out how to translate the book into a movie.
-Emma Watson, who was the voice of the Princess in The Tale of Desperaux attended the premier which opens in theaters on 12/19/08.
-New poll at the website for the Harry Potter theme park! Which broomstick do you prefer?
-New Gryffindor and Slytherin items from Hot Topic, hmm... they're rolling out with all this merchandise, Twilight, then Harry Potter... who knows whats next?

That's all this week. Hopefully we'll get another few episodes up, but hey with finals it'll be a miracle if we get even one up. 

December 6, 2008

The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Tale of The Three Brothers

*Spoiler Alert*

This is the one we have all read before and also the only one where J.K.R. wrote the story before the title. Although I wouldn't say it is the best in the book it is still like a fresh breath of air at the end. To read some material that you know well from "Deathly Hallows" felt great. Dumbledore comments were new though. They have some further character development in how much more obsessed he was with the wand than any of the other Deathly Hallows.Then, at the very end he says "Even I, Albus Dumbledore, would find it easiest to refuse the Invisibility Cloak; which only goes to show that, clever as I am, I remain just as big a fool as anyone else." Then on the other side of the page there is a drawing by J.K.R. showing a wand and a rose laying in an x as if to say "I'm setting down my wand now, this was a beautiful time. But here is the end. X marks the spot. Goodbye." Oh My God! I was looking at this on the toilet and I almost started crying (sorry T.M.I.). Then came the bit about Children's High Level Group and that made me feel good about myself and then it was over. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! No! it felt like I was finishing Book 7 all over again! Could this be the end? I don't know! Somebody hug me!


The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump

*Spoiler Alert*

Although I commend J.K. Rowling for creating a story around the title "Babbity Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump" the story was no where near as entertaining as the others. I'm not saying it was bad. I found it interesting and I wanted to know what was going to happen next. It was no where near as astounding as the others. The Dumbledore comments were equally boring. It was like a history lecture rather than a funny conversation with Dumbledore. And although I appreciate the new cannon I just want it to end! I don't mean to be rude about the story I think J.K.R. just was put in a hard situation when she chose to include this title in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"(at the time of writing these titles into the book she had no idea that she would later be writing them into real stories). So yeah... That's all.


The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Warlock's Hairy Heart

*Spoiler Alert*

Ok This one was 10x better than Fountain of Fair Fortune! They just get better and better! This one was so gruesome though! Ugh! It made me cry and vomit at the some time! It was a beautiful story though. J.K.R. went from Barbra Kingslover to Stephen King. Or from Care Bears to Titanic. Fables to Hamlet. You get the point. This story really should just become a classic short story. It really seems like one of the many mega-depressing stories we read in English class. But much more amazing. These stories really force you to realize what sets J.K.R. apart from other authors (including Stephanie Meyer): She can do anything in any style. Although she has only published The Harry Potter books and Harry Potter companion books this book proves how many different ways she can present a story! The Dumbledore comments were not as fun as they have been. But they did bring up a good point about the metaphore between what was happening to him and his heart and the connections between what the warlock did and what Voldemort did to make horcruxes. Plus it featured another wonderful mention of Ms. Bloxam. Still the comments were not up to par with the others or maybe it just looked like crap compared to the AMAZING STORY!!!! If yo do not own this book within the next 48 hours I may have to come and kill you in your sleep! That's all! See you soon for my review of Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump.


The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Fountain of Fair Fortune

*Spoiler Alert*

This Story was 10x better than Hopping Pot! I loved it! And the comments by Dumbledore were amazing! (I'm a theater geek so... I LOVED IT!!!!) I want to go the W.A.D.A.!!! And the story was beautiful! I want to live by the ideas presented in the story! I shows that sometimes its not what you have but how you got it that counts! It shows that what you truly need was inside of you all along! I has so many beautiful messages in it and then that hilarious commentary! Sorry I'm repeating myself but Oh My Goodness that was amazing! READ IT NOW!!!


The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Wizard and The Hopping Pot

*Spoiler Alert*

I'm going to review the stories one at a time as I read them. The Wizard and The Hopping pot is a really cute story. I love the background Dumbledore gives about the origins of the story. That was almost better than the story itself. The thing I was wondering most was why didn't the foot go away after he had fixed everything? I also love JKR's drawings! The are just as good as Mary GrandePre's drawings. Sorry I'm getting off track. The Wizard and The Hopping Pot feels like it is a really Grimm Brothers fairy tale! It was really wonderful and I can't wait to read the rest! See you soon for my review of The Fountain of Fair Fortune.


December 4, 2008

Twilight Review/ Beedle THE Bard

Hey Everybody!
I hope Jordan's review didn't discourage you from Twilight. I'm soon going to be posting another review soon so everyone can get a different perspective. AND we also did a podcast dedicated to the new movie.

And secondly I would like to apologize because I was calling Beedle the Bard, "Beedle and the Bard". And according to Divya and Elliott I offended people, so i'm sorry.

So have a great weekend everybody!
PS: Make sure to pick up a copy of Beedle THE Bard ( I just read it and it's really good)!

December 3, 2008

Beedle the Bard

Borders and Waldenbooks have announce to have midnight parties for Beedle the Bard.

It comes out at midnight! Or tomorrow if you're having it mailed I believe... I haven't got mine yet!!! Got to check the mail today.
Anyhow, we'd like to know your thoughts on the book and the midnight release if you went. You can email us at siriusly.potter.awesomness@gmail.com to send us your thoughts. They'll be included in our next podcast which will be dedicated to Beedle the Bard.

December 2, 2008

We're on iTunes!

Our podcast is on iTunes!!! I just checked right now, and if you go to the iTunes store and type in "Siriusly Potter" in the search bar, you can download our podcast off of iTunes! Brilliant, right? 

If you don't have iTunes, click here. Or here.

December 1, 2008



For one view of Twilight, scroll down to read a review by Jordan. 

*Spoiler Warning*

Like the new look? If not, comment!!!!!

David Thewlis Wins "Richard Harris Award"

Yeah, that's right! David Thewlis (Remus Lupin) recently received the Richard Harris award. Don't know who Richard Harris is? Here's a hint: think Harry. 

Richard Harris is the original Dumbledore, or at least, the first actor who played him. Hey, we've got nothing against Michael Gambon, the current Dumbledore, but hey, Richard Harris was the one. He was the guy that really gave you an even more vivid image of Dumbledore, rather than the somewhat murky image you might have had in your head. Mr. Harris died peacefully, October 22, 2002 at the age of 72. But here at Siriusly Potter we'd like to honor his memory, and all the great acting he did. 

Personally, I think it's utterly brilliant that we get to see a present Potter actor receive an award that was named after a past Potter actor. 

So here's to Richard Harris, a great actor, and one brilliant Dumbledore.

"I'm not particularly interested in reputation or immortality or things like that...I don't care what I'm remembered for. I don't care if I'm remembered. I don't care if I'm not remembered. I don't care why I'm remembered. I genuinely don't care."    -Richard Harris


iTunes has contacted us and we have been APPROVED! The podcast should be up on iTunes within 24 hours. I don't know if it will be called "siriuslypotter's Podcast" or "Siriusly Potter" but if you search in the search bar I'm sure you will find it (just wait 24 hours and I'll let you know when it is up and running 100%). I will try to put a subscribe button on the site, we'll see how that works out. That's all for now! I just wanted to let you know that it will be up within 24 hours!

PS: If you don't have iTunes click here.

November 30, 2008

Siriusly Potter to Take Over iTunes?

Fun podcasty news! We have sent our podcast to iTunes! They are "reviewing it" but it should be up soon! Soon you won't have to go to Podomatic.com! HURRAY! And maybe someday I can put it up on PodcastAlley! But that might take a bit longer! Anyway cross your fingers and hope that iTunes is smart and "approves" our podcast! I'll update as soon as I can!

November 29, 2008


Tons of news this week, so here it is! Also, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!

-Daniel Radcliffe's Equus jeans were auctioned off for $950.
-Emma Watson (Hermione) to appear on London's "Blue Peter", a TV show.
-Dan Radcliffe discusses "Deathly Hallows", "Equus" and "Twilight" right here.
-Sirius Black's motorcycle, as well as Dumbledore's Deluminator to be used in the filming of "Deathly Hallows".
-Also a the Noble Collection has added the R.A.B. locket to there HBP collection, which includes the R.A.B. note.
-Whimsic Alley in southern California to host a "Beedle the Bard" release party.
-A Charity auction for a signed photograph of Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) is taking place for seven days.
-Happy Birthday to Alfonso Cuaron, the director of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, who turned 47. (11/28)
-Also birthday wishes to Bill Weasley, whom JK Rowling announced on her site that 11/29 is the eldest Weasley son's b-day. Cheers!

And that's it for this week. A new podcast episode will be up next weekend!

TWIP 11/30 - 12/6

Sunday 11/30 - Clemence Poesy's Birthday (Fleur Delacour)

Tuesday 12/2
- Alfie Enoch's Birthday (Dean Thomas)

Thursday 12/4 - The Tales of Beedle the Bard is Released!!!

Saturday 12/6 - Rubeus Hagrid's Birthday (1928)

November 25, 2008

Siriusly Potter, a Podcast

Guess what? We have Episode 2 online! I'm working on getting all of the episodes online, and I plan to have them up by Friday at the latest, so keep checking the site. Also, to get to the Podcast page, click here

Twilight Movie

Hey, guyz, Div told me to write a review of the Twilight movie, so here I am.

Bad parts: Well, lets start with the effects. I mean, come on! Edwards sparkling was the lamest thing I've ever seen!!! And their running (really flying) was just bad effects. Not to mention Edward climbing up a tree, does anyone remember that?! I sure don't. As for their 'staredowns' every ten seconds, that was really just embarassing, I mean, vampires don't stare at each other all creepily every ten seconds, siriusly (haha, im punny)?! Did anyone SEE the cullen's house?! It was soooooooo wrong!!! SO SO SO SO WRONG!!!!!And I'd just like to ask, does anyone else think Bella loves Edward, 'cause it sure didn't look like it, all she did was stare at him all intensely, and well....thats about it. I felt no connection between the actors. You know what else? Edward actually TOLD Bella how one gets turned into a vampire. One of the main points of the story is that he doesn't want Bella knowing how to become a vampire because he wants to preserve her life. And may I just ask....... WHERE IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN WORLD IS BELLA'S LULLABY!?!?!? Come on, I mean, there was that one scene where he was playing the piano, but we don't know what it sounds like or who its for. I would like to reccomend Lake Erie Rainfall, by Jim Brickman (thanks to TwilightFan28, on youtube, for turning me on to it). And don't get me started on the casting (seriously, who casted this, I want to know, because I really wonder for their health, and eyesight). Let's just do that whole casting business over again.

Good parts: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.............................

lets see.................................................well, there's......................................that one part.............................................................. Well, ok ,the baseball scene wasnt THAT terrible, except for the running and the 'monkey man' comment. But other that that, not too shabby.

And a rather heated review by Jor. If this offends anybody, we're sorry, this is just one view of the movie. Another review will be posted soon.   -Divya

Hey Guys! I'm new here, but im a total twilight nerd, (like a twihard!) but im here to bring diversity to the podcast!!!!! Yay!! I'd like to thank divya for 'hooking me up!'

Expect a review on Twilight the movie (*hissss*) later.

November 24, 2008


I'll have to apologize but we currently only have Episode 1- Grufflypuffs, online at the moment. Episode 2 was taken down at the moment for some serious editing that has to be done. I'm personally sorry for the disappointment, but we want to keep everyone here safe, and as Executive Producer, it's my responsibility. If you have any questions, you can check the email list to the right and email me personally.

November 23, 2008

T.W.I.P. (This Week In Potter) 11/23 to 11/29

Monday 11/24 - Shirley Henderson's Birthday (Moaning Myrtle)

Monday 11/24 - The First Task of the Triwizard Tournament (1994)

Saturday 11/29 - Bill Weasley's Birthday (1970)

November 21, 2008


Hey it's Elliott! BIG NEWS !I can post now!
That's all!


November 20, 2008

New Quidditch Pics

Oh yes, you read right! 

Here's some new pics from HBP, with Ginny the Chaser (Bonnie Wright) and Ron the Keeper (Rupert Grint). Thanks to leaky, for the pics.

Weasley is our King!

November 19, 2008

Some Stuff That's Pretty Cool

Here's a few thing's going on in the Wizarding World that YOU should know.

-The official HBP website has posted the new trailer on their front page if you want to see it. If you do, or you just want to check out the Movie 6 website, click here.
-It's also been announced that the trailer will be seen in front of "Twilight" (the movie) which comes out this Friday. 
-Speaking of Twilight... Robert Pattinson, whom you may know as either "Edward" or "Cedric" was placed as #13 on the "Sexiest Man Alive 2008" list in "People" magazine. 
"Last year all I was trying to do was get a girlfriend..." says Pattinson, 22. 
-There's a new contest for UK residents ages 8-11 to win a trip to the release of "Beedle the Bard" where JK Rowling will make an appearance. For more info, click here.
-Emma Watson (Hermione) attended the VIP opening of the Somerset House ice rink. She was glad to be there, and has been going to that rink since the age of 13.

So that's all that's been going on lately, and hey, see that countdown to the right? If you're a true Potterhead you'll reserve a copy of "Beedle the Bard"!!! Only 14 days left guys!

Oh yeah! And see that, above? It's a Countdown to Movie 6! It took ages to get that on there, so use it! Check the site everyday to countdown!

November 14, 2008

New HBP Trailer!

Excellent, no, Brilliant news! Warner Brothers must be really trying to make up for delaying Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince because they've recently (as in a few days ago) released a new trailer! That's right, a brand NEW trailer!!!! Click here to watch.

November 9, 2008


Hey everybody it's Vanessa giving you your weekly news update. But before I do the SiriuslyPodcasters would like to apoligize for not producing an episode last week. We decided to take a week off to finish up editing. Sorry For the inconvenience!
Now heres the news:

Dan Radcliffe will be on the TODAY show Monday, November 10th dicussing his play Equus.

David Thewlis, the actor who plays Remus Lupin , was in LA discussing the upcoming movie

Emma Watson updated her website recently saying this, " I'm currently trying to apply for uni, so reading lots and lots at home and starting to get very excited about the release of The Tale of Despereaux which is coming up in December. ALTHOUGH... I keep getting distracted as I have started re reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in preparation for the start of filming in February and can't put it down. Reading it for a second time has made it no less

The Tales of Beedle the Bard is coming out in 18 days. We are still unsure if bookstores are having a release party. But regardless you should reserve a copy.

That's all the news for this week!
If I missed anything email me at vanessaevanssiriusly@gmail.com

November 6, 2008


What is that? Yes it is another website, with a forum! Thanks to Daniel who created it and is a big help!

Also, you'll notice the link to our podcast isn't working, minor technical difficulties, that'll be fixed my Tuesday at the latest. We've got some new solutions to for the podcast, and we'll be trying them out over the course of this weekend and next week if necessary.

If you are reading this, you're probably one of the few fans, as we are in an early stage... Thanks if you are reading this!!!

November 3, 2008

Beedle the Bard

See that "Beedle the Bard" countdown to your right? That's right, only about a month left! Reserve a copy, because trust me, it'll be easier than trying to buy it the day it releases. Hey! Maybe there'll be a midnight release party! That'd be cool, and it's a chance to dust off your robes!

October 30, 2008

Siriusly Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Mallory also know as "Flobberworm", because flobberworms are just awesome...

Also Happy Birthday to Molly Weasley! JKR posted on her site that today is Molly's b-day. Very Cool to share a birthday with Mrs. Weasley, even if she isn't real... Or is she?

October 29, 2008


Hey!!!!!!!! It's Vanessa giving you your weekly news update!!!!!!!

Half- Blood Prince is the most anticipated movie of 2009

Half- Blood Prince photos have appeared online

Middlebury College had thier Quidditch tournament on Sunday October 26th

Half- Blood Prince trailer was released on October 26th

Dragon's Den is coming out with a Harry Potter board game

There is an essay contest for Beetle and the Bard, where you can win a trip to the launch of the book

Deathly Hallows paperback will be released July 7. 2009

That's all for the news this week!!!!!!!!!!
If I missed anything email me at vanessaevanssiriusly@gmail.com
Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Siriusly Potter 4

Okay people. This may be the most exciting news yet. Our next podcast is going to be recorded on Halloween! It will be full of Potter/Halloween awesomeness, so prepare to listen to it when we get it online!

October 28, 2008

Switching Sites

For those of you who have looked at our old site and read the post, and realized we switched, this is the awesome place of awesomeness, where all awesome resides, the new home of Siriusly Potter!

We will keep posting on the other site until it closes down, this Friday, 10/31/08.

After it closes down, we ill be switching to THIS SITE. Please notice how THIS SITE is in all caps.


October 22, 2008

Siriusly Potter

Welcome, to A BRAND NEW AWESOMELY AWESOME Harry Potter Podcast.

WE're the Siriusly Podcasters, here to bring you an awesome podcast, Siriusly Potter, full of sirius (pun fully intended) discussions, insightful thoughts, and just plain awesomeness. Stay tuned for more cool stuff.

For more info please check out: