
April 6, 2009

Diversity Day

As you guys know from our last podcast we did a diversity day booth at school. We had a vote between Harry Potter and Twilight, and write comments. so here are the results:

Harry Potter: 113
I Love Both:21
I Hate Both: 7
So Harry Potter wins, sorry all you Twilight fans..... but her are some of the funnier comments:
" Because we all know blood tastes better than anything else"
" Twilight = Estrogen CULT"
"Jasper can take a bite of me anytime!"
"Twilight is the bane of my existence"
"Ron is my red-headed man candy! Babe!"
"I cried when I didn't get my Hogwarts letter"
"Saying Twilight is the new harry Potter is like saying the Jonas Brothers are the new Beatles"
"Lord Voldebush" ( Inside joke with the podcasters)
"Twilight corrupted my sister"
"Twilight scares little kids"
"Magic! Vampires are scary!"
"You just wish you were a wizard!"
"Daniel Radcliffe is SEXY"
"Huckleberry finn rocks!"