
April 30, 2009

Harry's My Favorite!

According to Reuters.com, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is expected to be the summer favorite. Woah! Didn't see that one coming... (note the sarcasm).

Here's a bit of the article: "Thirty-nine percent of respondents in an online poll released on Thursday by AOL website Moviefone.com named "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" the summer movie they most want to see. Sixty percent of the 280,000 respondents said they expect the new "Harry Potter" movie, which opens on July 15, to be the top box office draw of the upcoming blockbuster season."

60%!!!! Woo-hoo! 

Here are the other results: "29 percent for 'Star Trek'; 12 percent each for 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine' and 'Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen'; 7 percent for 'Terminator Salvation' and 2 percent for comedy 'Bruno.'"

For more click here.