
June 16, 2009

Q: Who's the most colorfull person in the HP series?

A: Lavender Brown!!! (get it?? cause her name is two colors??? ha!ha! oh, i crack myself up..)

Anyway, news has it that she's back for the spaxmaticly, ludicrus, sirius (...as sirius black), amazing, spectacular, sad (poor fred...), happy (no more "you no poo"), battle in the final movie, HP and the Deathly Hallows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay! Here's what she said about the try-outs in a recent interview:
For the final audition I was kitted out in Hogwarts uniform and driven in a golf- buggy to the Gryffindor common room. I had to improvise in front of a room full of people with Rupert and a paper biscuit for half an hour.

She makes it sound like a bad thing to get stuck in a tower room with rupert grint and a paper biscut... well, good luch lavender! We can't wait for the final battle!!!