
December 6, 2008

The Reviews of Beedle The Blogger: The Tale of The Three Brothers

*Spoiler Alert*

This is the one we have all read before and also the only one where J.K.R. wrote the story before the title. Although I wouldn't say it is the best in the book it is still like a fresh breath of air at the end. To read some material that you know well from "Deathly Hallows" felt great. Dumbledore comments were new though. They have some further character development in how much more obsessed he was with the wand than any of the other Deathly Hallows.Then, at the very end he says "Even I, Albus Dumbledore, would find it easiest to refuse the Invisibility Cloak; which only goes to show that, clever as I am, I remain just as big a fool as anyone else." Then on the other side of the page there is a drawing by J.K.R. showing a wand and a rose laying in an x as if to say "I'm setting down my wand now, this was a beautiful time. But here is the end. X marks the spot. Goodbye." Oh My God! I was looking at this on the toilet and I almost started crying (sorry T.M.I.). Then came the bit about Children's High Level Group and that made me feel good about myself and then it was over. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! No! it felt like I was finishing Book 7 all over again! Could this be the end? I don't know! Somebody hug me!
